
Coin Element: It Ain’t Obvious

Original price was: $18.78.Current price is: $18.77.

Coin Element:  It Ain’t Obvious forms part of the $7.3 trillion dollar debt reduction coin.  In minting the coin, communication disconnects of natural and man-made origin contributed to the redemption formula to minimize subsequent connection failures.  The only thing obvious in a communications failure or disconnect is the inability to communicate.  Afterwards, to determine why a communication disconnect exists may well involve multiple departments internal and external whereby the actual culprit is not obvious.  This paper is seeks to frame options for the foreseeable communication disconnects.  The U.S. Debt Reduction Guide details how Cyber Cleaners will not only clean critical telecommunication networks but will frame how to restore and/or reconstitute the affected network.


It Ain’t Obvious.  A former FBI director in citing the mishaps of the Ruby Ridge Case in 2001 cited an administrative disconnect.  Here, we cite a communications disconnect, and it isn’t obvious.